Master in Business Design & Marketing

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Raffles Milano
Master in Business Design & Marketing
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In aula
620 ore
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The objective of the Master's program is to train entrepreneurs and managers capable of operating in the different fields of design from fashion to communication, from product to service and brand design. The theoretical teachings and exercises aim to provide all the knowledge necessary to start and manage a creative enterprise, from the choice in the field where to operate to the application of criteria referred to the economic, organizational and operational structure. Context analysis skills, systemic approach to marketing and corporate image, together with the ability to apply synthesis between theory and practice and all managerial aspects of the enterprise, are the necessary background of those who want to become self-employed entrepreneurs or managers of an already established enterprise.


The master's program will provide the student with the skills needed to start new independent entrepreneurial businesses or to take on roles in consulting and startup development companies. Other more specific roles include innovation manager, brand manager, communication manager, marketing manager, business developer, analyst manager.


The course includes the following topics:

– Design & Fashion history
– Mass media theory and method
– Brand design
– Marketing
– Net marketing
– Digital & social media
– Public relations

Master's degree students will be able to manage the economic and financial aspects of a private enterprise, adopt business development strategies both as an entrepreneur and as a consultant, develop product or service research in relation to a brand's consumer or user base, operate with a strategic marketing vision, as a consultant, direct companies to adopt innovative business models according to design methodologies.


The Master's program is aimed at graduates who have already taken up employment and recent graduates who intend to become entrepreneurs or managers in the world of design. In addition, it is aimed at those who, although they do not have a bachelor's degree, are able to document substantial work experience in one or more skilled fields of design.

Titolo ottenuto

- Raffles certificate. - The Master's program is accredited by the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome. Therefore, at the end of the course, Raffles Milano issues to the student who has successfully completed the course, a Certificate of Attendance. Upon consideration, the same student may obtain the Diploma accredited by the Marconi University of Rome, provided he or she has previously obtained a recognized three-year DALP degree.


- Coordinator: Margherita Corniani; A graduate in Business Administration, former university professor, she has taught Marketing and Economics and Technique of Business Communication. She has published articles and books on topics related to the information exchange relationship between the company and the market, with particular reference to information gathering and communication delivery from a competitive and business development perspective (Marketing Information System, Demand Segmentation, Corporate Communication in Global Markets). She is now active in Marketing and Innovation design consulting, following projects ranging from the world of business mobility services, banking to insurance, pharmaceuticals to entertainment and food preparation machines.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Milano
Master in Business Design & Marketing
Raffles Milano
Campus e sedi: Raffles Milano
Raffles Milano - Istituto Moda e Design
Via Felice Casati 16 20124 Milano
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