The training course dedicated to the design of innovative and effective services and experiences in accordance with the transformations of business models. The Specializing Master delivers an English teaching programme on service design employing a practical and learning-by-doing approach, based on
Master universitario
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The Master in Lighting Design & Technology aims to train professionals capable of following the design and production process of lighting, paying attention to the analysis and synthesis of the methodological processes of design, organization and implementation of the project. Didactics Training
Master universitario
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Quella di Progettista EPICT per la scuola è la certificazione pedagogica europea sulle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione per l'instructional design. La finalità del master è la formazione della figura professionale dell'Instructional Designer per la realtà della scuola secondo il Università degli Studi di Genova
Master universitario
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