Executive Doctorate in Business Administration
1014 Persone stanno visitando questo corso
Prezzo 40.000 €
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Executive Doctorate in Business Administration
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In aula
4 anni
Prezzo 40.000 €
The DBA program is suitable for young as well as experienced managers and for those interested in advancing their studies beyond a Master degree or MBA. As a professional practice doctorate the DBA is equivalent to a PhD, but the emphasis is on applied rather than theoretical research. Our DBA programs are structured to let managers work on the development of their career and to successfully complete their doctorate program. Instructors and tutors work with managers side by side to identify a schedule that is compatible with their jobs and interests. Both IdM-SSSA and GEM bring together faculty with a broad range of expertise and an international reputation in research on business innovation, technology management and the organisational dimensions of technology change. The workshops are led by faculty from both institutions who are international leaders in their fields. In addition to this there are periodic workshop contributions from alumni and guest speakers from industry.
The joint Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) between IdM and GEM aim to provide managers and executives with the opportunity to study, share experiences and carry on a research project in management, and especially in the management of innovation and technology, sustainability and health care.
Recruitment to this programme is on a international basis: although participants are expected mainly from Italy, France and the rest of Europe, they come from a wide variety of countries and career backgrounds. These may include: management, sciences, humanities and technical and engineering fields. Typically participants have attained a high level of professional achievement and are likely to be in their thirties or forties.
Prezzo 40.000 €
Euro 10.000 per ogni anno di studio
Luogo in cui si tiene il corso
Executive Doctorate in Business Administration
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Istituto di Management
Campus e sedi: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Istituto di Management
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Istituto di Management
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 24