Executive Master in Fashion Business Administration

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Universidad de Navarra
Executive Master in Fashion Business Administration
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10 mesi
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ISEM Fashion Business School, center of the University of Navarra in Madrid, is the first business school specialized in fashion companies that exists in Spain, since 2001.

ISEM Fashion Business School offers the only official Executive Master in Fashion Business Administration. This postgraduate degree is approved by the Ministry of Education and is valid throughout the European Union, in accordance with the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

The program is a cutting-edge response to the needs of the market, constantly changing and with daily news in the economic press. The fashion industry increasingly demands professionals with specific management skills and a global vision of fashion in its broadest concept (luxury industry, textile, jewelry, leather goods, accessories, cosmetics and fragrances).

Academic Program

The academic program for the Executive Master in Fashion Business Administration is structured by areas focused on the fashion business from a global point of view and a general direction. This program's central focus is the planning of a collection from the raw material to the sale of the product in the store.


The general objective of the Executive Master in Fashion Business Administration (FBA) is the professional improvement in the performance of the directive tasks of the people who study this program. To do this, the student is expected to acquire:

The knowledge necessary to perform the management tasks with professional competence in the fashion sector.

The key skills to perform the management tasks.

Management attitudes and capacities, such as the desire for achievement, the capacity to integrate, the prospective, the sense of change, the promotion of innovation, the imagination, the sense of action, etc.

To integrate the legitimate interests of all their individuals into the current globalized and complex societies.

General competences:

Develop a problem-solving thinking. Get used to thinking critically and to propose creative solutions to problems.

Ability to use information and knowledge effectively: be able to identify and effectively treat information relevant to the job. Achieve an exhaustive management of information sources, data collection, contrast of facts and realities.

Develop personal management skills: prioritize objectives, program activities appropriately and execute them in the foreseen term, handle well the capacity of criticism, reflection, time management, sensitivity to diversity in people, in situations, and in cultures, and the ability to continue learning through experience.

Achieve effective performance in teamwork environments. Develop the ability to foster an environment of collaboration, communication and trust among team members; as well as to diagnose, face and resolve interpersonal conflicts without damaging the personal relationship.

Develop communication skills: listen and transmit ideas effectively, using the right channel at the right time, base your observations and conclusions with concrete data.

Develop negotiation skills: reach satisfactory agreements for the parties involved, discovering or creating elements that produce added value to the relationship.

Develop entrepreneurial initiative and behavior skills, initiating and promoting the necessary changes with energy and personal responsibility.

Develop the ability to acquire new knowledge, modify habits and be open to change.

Be able to recognize and deal with ethical dilemmas and social responsibility in an appropriate manner, applying deontological principles and organizational values ??to the situations and options that are presented.

Develop business leadership not only as a matter of knowledge, technology or charisma, but becoming aware that it also feeds on generosity, creativity, enthusiasm and example through their own behavior as well as the ability to create a climate of trust among collaborators.


The Executive Master in Fashion Business Administration provides a time of intense study and deep reflection. It is an excellent option for experienced professionals who wish to take a leap in their training, without the need to open a parenthesis in their work. The Pedagogical Method of the Program is as follows:


The Master is developed mainly through the case method. This methodology submerges the participant in a rigorous training environment, in which each one becomes the protagonist of their own improvement process. The effectiveness of the method rests in three phases:

      – Phase I: PERSONAL STUDY

The case places the student in the nerve center of a vital decision for the future of a business project. The analysis of the situation and the personal reflection on the possible alternatives of action help the student to reflect on what, how and why of any decision.

      – Phase II: TEAMWORK

As part of the learning objectives and improvement of the capacities, personal attitudes and forms of teamwork are reviewed and considered.

Teamwork fulfills a double function. On the one hand, obtain the best academic and personal use of the Master. Through teamwork the students put their reflections in common and that contributes the enrichment of all the members, with different approaches according to the personal experience that each one contributes. This allows them to discover new criteria to face problems and make decisions.


The general session is directed by the teacher of each subject, who guides the discussion with methodological rigor and values ??the different alternatives proposed by the students, measuring their different consequences. At the same time introduces theoretical concepts and tools that complete the student's learning.

2- FINAL PROJECT OF MASTER: Company Creation Project

The team's development of a business plan supervised by the End of Master Project teacher allows the student to reflect on the possibility of being an entrepreneur, acquire the knowledge and spirit to create a company, think creatively and solve problems in unstructured situations. 

3- EXTERNAL PRACTICES: Business Consulting Project

As of the second quarter of the academic year, the work teams develop a consulting project for a company in the sector. At the end, the projects are presented before a Court composed of professors and businessmen.

4- INTENSIVE COURSES at IFM Paris and SDA Bocconi Milan

The international alliances of ISEM Fashion Business School are materialized in two intensive courses at the IFM in Paris and SDA Bocconi in Milan, which allow the students of the Master an immersion in the French and Italian fashion systems. 


The company visit's program allows the Master's students to know companies such as INDITEX, TEMPE, EL CORTE INGLÉS, LOEWE, MUSTANG or MANGO hand in hand with their managers.

55 seats


The program contains 4 modules with compulsory subjects and subjects by course, a total of 60 ECTS

MODULE I: Fundamentals (25 ECTS)

– Materia: Business situation analysis (3.5 ECTS credits/ OB)
-Subject: Business situation analysis

– Materia: Accounting and Finance for Management (7.0 ECTS credits/ OB) 
      -Subject: Financial Accounting
      -Subject: Cost Accounting

– Materia: Marketing Fundamentals (3.0 ECTS credits/ OB)
-Subject: Marketing Fundamentals

– Materia: Culture and Fashion (3.0 ECTS credits/ OB) 
-Subject: Culture and Fashion

– Materia: Human Behavior (3.0 ECTS credits/ OB) 
-Subject: Human Behavior

-Materia: Operations in the Fashion Industry (5.5 ECTS credits/ OB) 
      -Subject: Operations
      -Subject: Planning a collection
      -Subject: Retail

MODULE II: Applied module(23 ECTS)

– Materia: Negotiation (1.5 ECTS credits/ OB) 
      -Subject: Negotiation

– Materia: General Management of Fashion Companies (4.5 ECTS credits/ OB) 
      -Subject: General Management
      -Subject: Business Ethics
      -Subject: Brand Internationalization 

– Materia: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Initiative (3.0 ECTS credits/ OB)
      -Subject: Theory of Creativity and Creativity Workshop
      -Subject:: Fashion Innovation

– Materia: Fashion Marketing (14.0 ECTS credits/ OB) 
      -Subject: Brands and consumer behavior
      -Subject: Communication
      -Subject: Visual Merchandising
      -Subject: Luxury industry

MODULE III: Master's Final Dissertation (6.0 ECTS credits)

Business creation plan: the purpose of the Master's Final Dissertation is to help students acquire the skills necessary to create a successful business model, developing and drafting a concise, coherent, effective and comprehensive Business Plan, reflecting on the launch of an enterprising business (reflecting on certain key questions relating to the setting up of a business and learning how to evaluate the risks, challenges and rewards involved in the process). In this respect, the Master's Final Dissertation becomes a project that gives students the confidence and tools required to turn their entrepreneurial aspirations into a reality.

MODULE IV: External Internships (6.0 ECTS credits)

Business consulting projects in which students must apply the knowledge relating to fashion company management that they have acquired throughout the Program. These are projects requested by companies from the industry that raise an issue regarding a topic of interest: repositioning of a brand, consumer survey, internationalization plans, functional analysis for human resources, etc. All of these projects feature a broad scope that includes a consumer survey, competition strategy, marketing plan, communication strategy, financial plan, etc., according to the needs of each case.


Admission Profile

The students of the Executive Master in Fashion Business Administration must have the capacity of learning and the sufficient intellectual restlessness to acquire knowledge and tools that help them carry out administrative tasks in the fashion industry.

To that end, they must have a clear interest in developing skills such as:

Negotiation skills (business vision, customer orientation, resource management, negotiation, etc.).
Interpersonal skills (communication, conflict management, delegation, team work, etc.).
Personal skills (proactivity, initiative, tenacity, personal management, time management, information management, stress management, personal improvement, self-criticism, self-knowledge, learning, self-government, balance, integrity, etc.).


10 months. September- June. ECTS 60.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Madrid
Executive Master in Fashion Business Administration
Universidad de Navarra
Campus e sedi: Universidad de Navarra
Universidad de Navarra
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