Corso di Laurea Triennale in Design per la Comunicazione

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Raffles Milano
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Design per la Comunicazione
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Corso di Laurea
In aula
4500 ore
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The development of digital technologies has helped to redefine the mental structures, cognitive processes and symbolic dimension of individuals, with a decisive impact on the modes of advertising communication. Traditional media have been replaced by digital media, which base their logic on continuous interaction between communication actors and make heavy use of algorithmic profiling techniques. The online advertising scene is now presided over by large global platforms (social media, communities, virtual worlds) that guide creative, production and business logics. Learning about such platforms is the training objective of this course.




Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to work in the most creative departments of advertising agencies or private and public companies, both nationally and internationally, in roles ranging from art director to copywriter, social media manager to strategic planner, communication specialist and consultant to digital strategist, and web marketing manager, content manager and community manager.


During the first year of this course, students will understand the theoretical and instrumental basis for their design activity. In the second year, strategic planning activities will be studied, supported by workshops with agencies and companies. The third year is dedicated to the identification of the student's stylistic identity and their ability to develop communication strategies and completely original marketing strategies, which will be implemented in the final thesis project, in addition to the correct design of the student's personal portfolio.

fully realized in the final thesis project, as well as the proper design of the student's personal portfolio, useful for his future job interviews.


The course is aimed at candidates with a high school diploma and students from Italian or foreign universities with a strong creativity and interest in visual communication in all its fields.

Imagination and a willingness to research, combined with a desire for a robust cultural and instrumental background are the necessary qualities of those who intend to take this highly relevant professional course.


Credits 180.

Titolo ottenuto

- Raffles certificate. - The document received by the end of the course is a Raffles attendance certificate.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Milano
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Design per la Comunicazione
Raffles Milano
Campus e sedi: Raffles Milano
Raffles Milano - Istituto Moda e Design
Via Felice Casati 16 20124 Milano
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