Master in Visual Design and Communiction

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Raffles Milano
Master in Visual Design and Communiction
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In aula
620 ore
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Learning to do and to think: with the Master in Visual design, students learn the methodology for developing - through design - strategic and effective concepts, for composing and narrating visual stories capable of giving shape to complex communications. Experimentation in various creative areas allows for exploratory forays into differentiated fields, both commercial and cultural, from the analogue to the digital world. In addition to projects with internationally renowned professionals, students are engaged in method lessons, where they acquire more specific knowledge for research, art direction and branding.


At the end of the Master it will be possible to undertake a career in design studios, advertising agencies, companies, web agencies, cultural institutions and publishing houses, as a graphic designer, creative director, art director, web designer.


The course includes the following topics:

- Research
- Concept generation
- Art direction
- Branding
- Graphics and integrated communication
- Editorial
- Tipography
- Data display
- Wayfinding
- Digital and user interface design

In addition to these subjects, students will have the opportunity to visit design studios, advertising agencies, cultural institutions such as La Triennale di Milano, as well as participate in trade fairs such as Salone del Mobile, fully immersing themselves in the Milanese design system.


This course is for designers who hold a first-level degree and/or have accumulated some professional experience in areas concerned with graphic design, image, communication, product and publishing, as well as everyone in general who thinks that communication is a viable career choice and a strong aid to individual growth. This is a Master course for those who believe that details make all the difference and are convinced that communication and experience are forged on an emotional, creative and artistic level as much as in terms of strategy.


10 months.

Titolo ottenuto

Raffles certificate. The Master's program is accredited by the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome. Therefore, at the end of the course, Raffles Milano issues to the student who has successfully completed the course, a Certificate of Attendance. Upon consideration, the same student may obtain the Diploma accredited by the Marconi University of Rome, provided he or she has previously obtained a recognized three-year DALP degree.

Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

a Milano
Master in Visual Design and Communiction
Raffles Milano
Campus e sedi: Raffles Milano
Raffles Milano - Istituto Moda e Design
Via Felice Casati 16 20124 Milano
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