WSET Level 1 Wine Courses

1030 Persone stanno visitando questo corso
Prezzo 230 €
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WSET Level 1 Wine Courses
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Ufficiale / Omologato
In aula
Prezzo 230 €


This qualification was initially created for the front-of-house staff within the on-trade sector. It has grown into a course with global appeal, providing basic product knowledge to first time employees in the wine industry and the interested consumer alike.


Programme outline

  • The main styles of wine
  • The WSET Level 1 Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine
  • The characteristics of the common grape varieties used to produce wine
  • Service of wine
  • Health, safety and legal issues
  • The pairing of food and wine

Lingue in cui è impartito


Luogo in cui si tiene il corso

viale Monza 8 20127 Milano (Milano)


This version of the course is held over two intensive sessions morning and afternoon of the same day, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. To gain the qualification students need to successfully pass a multiple-choice paper of 30 questions. The exam will be taken during the last hour of the afternoon session.
WSET Level 1 Wine Courses
Accademia Vino
Campus e sedi: Accademia Vino
Accademia Vino Milano
viale Monza 8 20127 Milano
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